Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit Superstars Join Synergy

What an inspiring duo! They are so passionate about helping us to be the best we can be!

Synergy WorldWide Blog - United States: Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit Superstars Join Synergy:

To try the product or get answers to questions visit my website lnssynergy.com

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday Open House Featuring Drew and Lynn Manning @Fit2Fat2Fit

Synergy WorldWide Blog - United States: Friday Open House Featuring Special Speaker: "Synergy WorldWide invites you to bring your guests and join us on Friday, October 10 for our Open House Event featuring a special guest speaker whose experience may change your life."

Let me know if you will be there and i'll save you a seat!  (Lee Edwards) 801-400-4363

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Have you ever had a time in your life where your child was hurting and you didn't know what to do to help?

Have you ever had a time in your life where your child was hurting and you didn't know what to do to help? This happened to me 4 years ago with my boy, Kyler.  What made it even worse was that Kyler was an infant and couldn't communicate his discomfort verbally.  During my wife's pregnancy all had gone well and we had a normal delivery.  Kyler was happy and healthy and we were able to take him home from the hospital. After having him home for a few days, though, we noticed that he threw up most, if not all, of what he would eat.  Not only would he throw up but he would break out into a coughing fit and cry uncontrollably.  After about 1 month of this it progressed to the point where he actually turned a shade of blue during his coughing fit.  At this time we figured that this was definitely not normal and that he must be really ill.  We took him to his pediatrician and, to our surprise, were told that he had acid reflux.  It was a bad case of reflux, but we were reassured that he would grow out of it eventually.  They sent us home with a prescription for adult strength acid reflux medicine. The doctor wasn't sure how much we should give to him, but suggested we try using half of a pill, crushing it up and putting it in a bottle with formula or breast milk. We were told to watch him closely afterwards.  If he became non responsive, had trouble breathing or if his eyes rolled back in his head then we were to rush him straight to the emergency room.  Hearing the possible side effects of giving our baby this medicine scared us!  We didn't want our little boy to suffer, but we also didn't feel comfortable giving him an adult strength medicine.  We decided to think on it for a couple of days to see if we could figure out something better.  As the days went by my wife noticed that when she took her supplement drink, called ProArgi9+, our boy didn't have any of the reflux problems.  We wondered if this was a fluke or if the ProArgi9+ actually helped with his reflux.  We decided to experiment with it and found that when my wife (who was nursing) consumed this product Kyler consistently didn't have acid reflux symptoms.  When she didn't take it, the reflux came back.  That's all the proof we needed.  From then on my wife consistently drank the ProArgi9+ everyday.  At the age of 6 months old our little Kyler decided to quit nursing and moved to a formula bottle.  It didn't immediately occur to us that he was no longer receiving the supplement that was keeping his reflux at bay.  A few days after switching exclusively to formula Kyler began his throwing up and coughing again.  We were at church, in the middle of services, when it began.  From the eyes of those around us it would appear that we had brought a very ill baby to church.  We knew better though.  He wasn't ill, his reflux was back.  My wife and I were so worried.  I immediately stood up and took him home.  We decided to try putting a portion of the Proargi9 powder right into Kyler's formula to see if it would have the same effect that it did when he was nursing and my wife took the supplement.  To our immense relief, it worked.  All we needed to do was give him the supplement once a day in his bottle and the reflux became a thing of the past.  We were so happy!!  Kyler is now 4 years old and, as promised, grew out of the acid reflux.  He now takes the ProArgi9+ just because he loves it!  He asks for it every morning.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lose Those Extra Pounds! SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge

How would you like to lose weight and feel great!  These results were obtained with our meal replacement shake 2 times a day and our energy drink 2 times a day with 30 minutes of exercise.  Amazing results were obtained with in 90 days!  Oh and by the way did I mention that we give a 120 day money back guarantee!  The risk is removed.  Give it a try. www.lnssynergy.com

SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge Winners:

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fantastic Q2 Results Reported

Look at the growth we are having!  To think we are a stranger to the USA.  Imagine what will happen when the USA market takes off and hits momentum!!  If you are looking for a ground floor opportunity of a solid established debt free company look no further!  Here it is!

Synergy WorldWide Blog - United States: Fantastic Q2 Results Reported:

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Heart Health=Brain Health

I found this study to be intriguing. I had no idea that as my team has been helping promote a healthy cardiovascular system that we were also helping with reducing cognitive awareness.  I hope this makes you aware enough to give us a try!  We have a 120 day money back guarantee on our products!  If you don't feel the quality of life increase then get your money back. 
These findings
provide evidence that CVH (Cardio Vascular Health) is an important factor in
cognitive health. We observed that intermediate and high levels of CVH were
associated with similarly low incidence of cognitive impairment, rather than a
dose response across the range of CVH. Based on these findings, we hypothesize
that the AHA's strategic efforts to improve CVH from poor to intermediate or
higher levels could lead to reductions in cognitive decline, and we believe
further research addressing this hypothesis is warranted.

The American Heart Association Life's Simple 7 and Incident Cognitive Impairment: The REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study:

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Free Wellness Screening

Macpa Screening Device

The uBioMacpa or “Macpa” as it is commonly known is an information & educational screening device. It is NOT an FDA approved medical device. The device is very simple to use and non-invasive. The Macpa uses an infrared finger probe to gather a variety of different measurements on the person being screened and then generates an overall Wellness Score, Wellness Type, and other information.
The scores that are generated are used to compare the person being screened to averages of men or woman their age. The scores are a great benchmark to let individuals know where they stand, at this point in their lives, when compared to their peers. As a result, they can see if their scores, are "ahead", "average" or "behind" their peers. If a person has scores that are average (50) or below, it becomes a "call to action", and is a great way to initiate much needed change to reverse their score.
Wellness Score:The Wellness Score uses a scale that is 0-100.  Ideally, a person should test 70 or higher.  If a person tests in the mid range (50 being average) there is still some concern because the average American is overweight and one out of every three is dying from heart disease.  Any score less than 50 means the person being tested, when compared to their gender and age group, is falling behind on their overall wellness.  This can be caused from such things as hereditary issues, lack of exercise, and poor diet etc.
Wellness Type:The Wellness Type is signified by a letter and a corresponding target. The ideal is a Type A and a full target of wellness. Every person starts as a Type A, but over time, slowly starts to descend down the scale.
Other Measurements:In addition to the main Wellness Score and Wellness Type measurements, the Macpa also gives other information such as Heart Rate and a Stress Wellness test.

Give me a shout and I can do a FREE wellness screening for you and see how well you're doing!!  :) 

See for yourself the Synergy Advantage—Company, Product, Opportunity

The Open House kicks o ff at 1 p.m. at Synergy’s Manufacturing Facility in Spanish Fork, Utah. Here you will see first hand Synergy’s commitment to quality as you go through the manufacturing process of its products.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube

Finally a system that actually teaches nutrition and exercise to stop the yo-yo dieting.  Herbal cleanse, Crave cutting drink, Meal replacement shake that is yummy and more.....

SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/KA6oskDHJ78"

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SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube

Finally a system that actually teaches nutrition and exercise to stop the yo-yo dieting.  Herbal cleanse, Crave cutting drink, Meal replacement shake that is yummy and more.....

SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/KA6oskDHJ78"

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SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube

Finally a system that actually teaches nutrition and exercise to stop the yo-yo dieting.  Herbal cleanse, Crave cutting drink, Meal replacement shake that is yummy and more.....

SLMsmart Weight Management System - YouTube: "http://youtu.be/KA6oskDHJ78"

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Why Network Marketing?

Why LnS Synergy?

My wife, Crystal, and I joined LnS Synergy in January 2010.  When we were introduced to this opportunity we were impressed with the extremely high quality of the products and also the amazing compensation plan.  Prior to joining LnS Synergy I had been in the plumbing industry since May of 1995.  I have my masters plumbing license in that trade.  At the time I was introduced to this opportunity I had been the manager of a local plumbing company for many years and was a part owner of a handyman company for 4 years.  I was very comfortable financially and was making a six figure income with these jobs.  I had two big dilemmas, though.  I didn't have the family time or quality of life that I wanted.  After spending 15 years working in Corporate America I came to the glaring realization that, regardless of all the hard work I put into my job, I was never going to make more money than my boss.  This is the problem with a JOB.  Since making the decision to take charge of my own life and own my own distribution center I have resolved these big dilemmas!  I now can do the things that matter to me, like take my kids to school each morning and watch them come home from school each afternoon!  I get to see my children more often and spend more quality time with them.  In addition to that, I no longer have a cap on how much money I can make.  This opportunity has provided a complete life changing experience for our family.  The product has helped me with my restless leg syndrome and has helped my wife with her allergies and high blood pressure that she gets during her pregnancies.  When our infant son was diagnosed with acid reflux and prescribed an adult strength prescription to control it (with the doctor not really knowing what the side effects would be on our infant), we decided to give him all natural ProArgi9+ instead.  Incredibly, his acid reflux was completely resolved by taking this product and we didn't have to worry about adverse side effects.  I could go on and on about what this product has done for our family.  Suffice it to say, this product is amazing!  The Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) 2014 Edition states that ProArgi9+ is the highest quality l-arginine supplement in the world!  How can you go wrong with that?  To top it off, there is a 120 day money back guarantee on your purchase of ProArgi9+.  This has been life changing!  I hope that you will take the time to consider what Synergy and ProArgi9+ can do for your quality of life!

My Wife's Why!

My name is Crystal Edwards. I have five children, all delivered c-section. With my first three pregnancies, I was eating well and exercising, but without fail, my blood pressure would go really high and my iron would go really low. With my first and third child, my blood pressure hit 145/88 and I was nearly put on bed rest. With my second child, I was diagnosed with toxemia and put on bed rest when my blood pressure reached 150/90. With my fourth pregnancy, my blood pressure rose much faster than with the other pregnancies. It was in the high 130s when I was only four months along. I was very stressed about the thought that I might be put on bed rest while I had three young children to care for.
At about that time, we were introduced to ProArgi9+. I was interested in trying it when I learned that it could lower my blood pressure. I asked the reps if I could take it while I was pregnant. They didn’t see why not, but told me to definitely check with my doctor. So, I took the list of ingredients to my next OB appointment and asked the doctor if any of these ingredients would hurt my baby or me.   He chuckled and said all the ingredients were vitamins and amino acids and it wouldn’t hurt my baby or me in any way. I immediately and religiously began taking two servings a day. After a month, I went to my next appointment and was shocked to discover that my blood pressure was completely normal: 118/68. I increased the dose to three scoops a day for the final trimester. The highest my blood pressure got during the pregnancy was 122/72. The fifth pregnancy I took two servings of ProArgi9+ for the first six months then increased it to three servings for the final trimester. It worked wonderfully again.
As I mentioned before, my iron would plummet when I was pregnant. No matter how many high-iron foods and liquid supplements I took, my body just wasn’t absorbing it well. My iron count would always be just barely high enough to be able to have a c-section. One benefit of taking ProArgi9+ that I had not anticipated was that my iron levels stayed in a normal range. My body was absorbing the iron I was eating in my diet, and I did not have to take any iron supplements during my last two pregnancies.

Compared to the first three pregnancies, my last two pregnancies were much less stressful because I didn’t have to worry about my blood pressure and iron levels. I am so grateful for ProArgi9+.

Benefits of Why!

Monday, March 31, 2014

WOW!  What a weekend we had!  It was so great to hear so many ways which we can enhance our business!

We are coming off our best month for enrollments in quite a while.  I want to encourage you to make sure to keep the Eye of the Tiger and increase your enrollments by at least 10%.  

As we learned with William on Saturday is that a team member that enrolls and just does an auto ship will only be worth $130 annually to your income flow.  If you had them be a customer instead (which honestly is what they wanted but you pushed them to enroll!) they would be $300 in value to your income flow!

That is awesome to be able to understand.  So keep that in mind as you are contacting and make sure you enroll people in what they want.  

Something even more powerful that was taught is that if you enroll a Team Builder that has the Eye of the Tiger like you do then that person no longer is only $130 annually.  They now are in value $4000+ annually.  Now this is the lowest value that it would be if they are a team builder enrolling 4 customers and 4 distributors monthly.  Now with this example also note that this doesn't account for any upline support!  This example with the support of your upline will change drastically!  Now you can go talk to those other network marketers and ask them if they know the value of their customers and team members in annual income!  If they don't you can tell them that you know what it would be if they were in Synergy with you!!  Now that is powerful.  I appreciate William for helping us see the value of a team member so we will help them be all they can be and duplicate success!

So would you contact 8-10 people a week if you knew that each one that enrolls with you would be worth $4000+ a year!

This business is amazing, simple and hard all at the same time.  I want you all to remember the most importantthing that William taught and that is to write your own personal positive story!  We no longer need to wander in negative land.  Lets be in charge of our attitudes and make sure that before we call or contact anyone we have written that story of how amazing this will be for them either with health or wealth.  If you are defeated before you call then you will be defeated when you hang up.  If you are a winner before you call (which I believe you all are) then you will hang up a winner!  You can all do this.  Get the yucky stories out of your life.  Add the positive goals to your mirror exercise and lets all walk the stage for new rank advancements on May 9 at dinner!  I look forward to seeing you all there and hearing of your wonderful positive stories.  

Have an amazing week.  We all can do this.  We were born to be great don't let anyone tell you different.  

Eye of the Tiger,

Lee Edwards

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Team Believe,                                                                   

Well we made it back to Utah!  This was such an amazing trip. We had all types of food. We ate all we could handle!  Last Saturday we went to one of the sister hotels in downtown Cancun!  The beach there was so amazing. The ocean was so nice to swim in. We played volleyball, sat in the sun and ate lots of food!  Saturday night we had our farewell dinner. It was nice to get together one more time as a synergy team and say our good byes! 
 We expect to have several more of you on the Cabo trip this winter!  It will be an all inclusive hotel there also!  All you need to do is focus on getting your 2 customers and 300 cv worth of distributors every month. Just doing that will qualify you for Cabo!  We can all do this. We don't want to go on another trip with out more of you there with us. 

Last night we were inspired by Paul Spencer to go to a public shopping center and contact people for the BBQ tonight!  It was so fun to see all of the team members there get out of their comfort shell and talk to people.  We had over 50 names with telephone numbers and email addresses with commitments to come tonight.  Paul even signed up an amazing rock star distributor last night.  We look forward to doing this more often.

Here are some random pictures of our Cancun trip.  

Eye if the Tiger,

Lee Edwards

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Activity Bonus Program - - LNS Synergy

Synergy's latest bonus program will add to your bottom line if you choose to participate
Posted: 31 Jan 2014 09:52 AM PST
Introducing the new program designed to reward you for the best business building practices.

Starting February 1, 2014, Synergy Team Members can earn two monthly cash bonuses while establishing a strong foundation of residual income.

Personal Activity Bonus (PAB)
Simply sponsor 2 New Team Members and 2 New customers in a month to earn a PAB. The bonus gets bigger with each consecutive month you accomplish this goal! See below for more details.

Duplication Activity Bonus (DAB)
Earn this bonus each time your newly sponsored Team Members earn their own PAB. The bonus gets bigger (up to $2,000 monthly!) as the number of your successful Team Members increases. See below for more details.

Play the video below to see the excitement of Synergy Founder Dan Higginson and Director of Sales Howard Hannemann for what this program can do for your business.

The Purpose of the Activity Bonus Program
This program has been designed to help Team Members master the art of building a long-term residual income. While these cash bonuses are wonderful incentives, the real rewards of the Activity Bonus Program come later. As people develop the monthly habits of sponsoring, enrolling, and leading others to do the same, they'll quickly find their income increasing as their Mega-Match commissions start to skyrocket.

Become a master business builder. Earn cash along the way.

Your Activity Bonus Claim Form
In order to receive their Personal Activity and Duplication Activity Bonuses, Team Members will need to submit the Activity Bonus Program Claim Form. We encourage leaders to help their Team Members fill out and submit these helpful forms as this practice has been shown to increase accountability and productivity.

The claim forms must be submitted by 12 midnight (Mountain Time) on the last day of each month.

Download Claim Form

Program Details: PAB
Your Personal Activity Bonus increases with each consecutive month of success. You can earn a PAB every month when:
  1. You sponsor one or more new Team Members with a total of 300 or more activation CV.
  2. You sponsor two or more new customers with a cumulative total of 200 or more customer CV.
  3. You are on Autoship (minimum 100 CV).
Note that only one PAB can be earned each month.

Program Details: DAB
When it comes to the Activity Bonus Program, the Duplication Activity Bonus is where the most exciting cash comes from. You can earn a DAB every month when:
  1. You have earned a PAB yourself that month.
  2. A Team Member you have sponsored within the promotion period also earns a PAB.
The more of your new Team Members that earn their own PAB in a month, the higher your DAB. Each month you can earn up to $2000 in Duplication Activity Bonus! Sponsor as many Team Members as you can each month to increase your Duplication Activity Bonus pool.

Promotion Period: February 1 through September 30, 2014.

The Fine Print: The Activity Bonus Program is only applicable for North American Team Members and customer enrollments. "New Team Members" are defined as those who are sponsored during the promotion period. A "new customer" is defined as a customer whose first ever purchase from Synergy WorldWide occurred during the promotional period.

QUESTIONS? Watch the webinar below for a brief promotion training. You can also reach out to LNSSynergy Customer Service at 801-400-4363.


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Friday, January 31, 2014

Author unknown
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool

To weep is to risk appearing sentimental

To reach out to others is to risk involvement

To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self

To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss

To love is to risk not being loved 

To live is to risk dying

To hope is to risk despair

To try is to risk failure

But risks must be taken,
because the greatest hazard in life is to do nothing.

The person who risks nothing, 
does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow,

but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.

Only the person who risks is free